_            _    _        _         _
      /\ \         /\ \ /\ \     /\_\      / /\
      \_\ \       /  \ \\ \ \   / / /     / /  \
      /\__ \     / /\ \ \\ \ \_/ / /     / / /\ \__
     / /_ \ \   / / /\ \ \\ \___/ /     / / /\ \___\
    / / /\ \ \ / / /  \ \_\\ \ \_/      \ \ \ \/___/
   / / /  \/_// / /   / / / \ \ \        \ \ \
  / / /      / / /   / / /   \ \ \   _    \ \ \
 / / /      / / /___/ / /     \ \ \ /_/\__/ / /
/_/ /      / / /____\/ /       \ \_\\ \/___/ /
\_\/       \/_________/         \/_/ \_____\/
feature-emacs args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs.scm (rde features emacs)

Setup and configure GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-git args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure git-related utilities for GNU Emacs, including magit, git-link, git-timemachine.

feature-emacs-mct args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure mct completion UI for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-org args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure org-mode for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-erc args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/irc.scm (rde features irc)

Configure ERC, the extensible IRC client for Emacs. ERC-AUTO-QUERY, ERC-QUERY-DISPLAY, and ERC-JOIN-BUFFER determine the window behavior upon receiving a message, talking to someone, and joining a buffer, respectively. See the documentation of erc-join-buffer for the possible configuration values. ERC-HIDE-LIST is a list of message types to hide, and ERC-TRACK-EXCLUDE-TYPES is a list of message types to ignore.

feature-emacs-evil args
Channel: rde
Location: contrib/features/emacs-xyz.scm (contrib features emacs-xyz)

Configure evil-mode for emacs. The feature is in contrib because the recommended RDE experience is to rely on Emacs default keybindings.

feature-emacs-exwm args
Channel: rde
Location: contrib/features/wm.scm (contrib features wm)

Configure the Emacs X Window Manager.

feature-emacs-emms args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the Emacs MultiMedia System. Choose what method to use to retrieve information about tracks via EMMS-INFO-METHOD.

feature-emacs-time args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure time.el, an Emacs library to display the time. Choose the timezones you'll be prompted with upon calling world-clock with WORLD-CLOCK-TIMEZONES and change its format with WORLD-CLOCK-TIME-FORMAT (see format-time-string for information on the format strings). If you want to display time on the mode line, set DISPLAY-TIME? to #t, and accordingly set its appearance with DISPLAY-TIME-24HR? and DISPLAY-TIME-DATE?.

feature-emacs-ebdb args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the ebdb contact management package for Emacs. EBDB-SOURCES is a list of filenames to retrieve database information from. You can control the size of ebdb popup windows via EBDB-POPUP-SIZE with a floating-point value between 0 and 1.

feature-emacs-help args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the help system in Emacs. Set up Helpful, an alternative to the built-in help that provides much more contextual information.

feature-emacs-info args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure Info and Info+ for reading Info documents in Emacs.

feature-emacs-calc args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure Calc, an advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool for Emacs. You can compute the current exchange rate for your preferred CURRENCY and update it every EXCHANGE-UPDATE-INTERVAL days.

feature-emacs-guix args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure emacs for guix usage and development.

feature-emacs-nyxt args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the nyxt.el package to interact with Nyxt from Emacs.

feature-emacs-ednc args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the Emacs Desktop Notification Center (EDNC).

feature-emacs-xref ()
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure Xref, an Emacs mechanism to find definitions and references in your programs.

feature-emacs-gnus args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/mail.scm (rde features mail)

Configure the Gnus newsreader. If MAIL-ACCOUNT-IDS is not provided, use all the mail accounts. POSTING-STYLES allow you to set different email posting information based on the current newsgroup or article. See see for more details on how to write them. GROUP-PARAMETERS allow you to tailor the settings of particular groups. See see for more information on its syntax. TOPIC-ALIST and TOPIC-TOPOLOGY let you declaratively categorize groups into topics with your preferred hierarchy.

feature-emacs-dired args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)
feature-emacs-shell ()
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure shell-scripting tooling for Emacs.

feature-emacs-corfu args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure corfu completion UI for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-eglot args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure eglot, an LSP package for emacs.

feature-emacs-tramp args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure TRAMP, a remote file editing tool for Emacs.

feature-emacs-elisp args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure tooling for Emacs Lisp, the programming language for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-ement args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/matrix.scm (rde features matrix)

Configure Ement, the Matrix client for Emacs.

feature-emacs-slack args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/messaging.scm (rde features messaging)

Configure the Slack.el Emacs client. For authentication to work, ensure to set your credentials (see Slack in the RDE manual) correctly.

feature-emacs-geiser args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure geiser for emacs.

feature-emacs-elfeed args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Setup and configure Elfeed for Emacs.

feature-emacs-tempel args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure TempEL for emacs. To extend a list of templates from other features use `home-emacs-tempel-service-type'.

feature-emacs-eshell args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure Eshell, the Emacs shell.

feature-emacs-denote args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure denote, Prot's great note taking package.

feature-emacs-telega args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure telega.el for GNU Emacs

feature-emacs-comint ()
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the general command-intepreter-in-a-buffer (comint) for process-in-a-buffer derived packages like shell, REPLs, etc.

feature-emacs-elpher ()
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure elpher, the Emacs' gemini and gopher browser.

feature-emacs-nov-el args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure nov.el for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-flymake ()
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Set up Flymake, the built-in on-the-fly syntax checker for Emacs.

feature-emacs-vertico args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure vertico completion UI for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-battery args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the display of battery status in Emacs.

feature-emacs-project args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure project.el, a library to perform operations on the current project.

feature-emacs-monocle args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure olivetti and helper functions for focused editing/reading.

feature-emacs-keycast args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Show keybindings and related functions as you type. When TURN-ON? enable rde-keycast-mode on configure-keycast package load.

feature-emacs-message args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/mail.scm (rde features mail)

Configure email sending capabilities provided by message.el. mail-signature can be #t, #f, a string or a function, which accepts config with rde values and returns a string.

feature-emacs-debbugs args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/mail.scm (rde features mail)

Configure the Debbugs user interface for Emacs. Set the default packages to retrieve bugs for with DEFAULT-PACKAGES and the default severities with which bugs should be filered with DEFAULT-SEVERITIES.

feature-emacs-tab-bar args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the Emacs Tab Bar. Add the appropriate formatters via TAB-BAR-FORMAT. The default ones allow you to place "modules" (i.e. menu items constructed by the helper make-rde-tab-bar-module) arbitrarily on each side of the bar, but you can also include built-in formatters such as tab-bar-format-tabs.

The examples below show different types of modules:

 :id 'text
 :label "My arbitrary text")
 :id 'battery
 :label 'battery-mode-line-string)
 :id 'notifications
 :label '(:eval (rde-ednc--notify)))
feature-emacs-spelling args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure spell-checking features in Emacs. SPELLING-PROGRAM will be used to detect spelling mistakes based on SPELLING-DICTIONARIES inside buffers of modes defined in FLYSPELL-HOOKS (prose) and in docstrings of modes defined in FLYSPELL-PROG-HOOKS (programming).

feature-emacs-webpaste args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure Webpaste.el, a mode to paste whole buffers or parts of buffers to pastebin-like services. WEBPASTE-PROVIDERS denotes the list of providers that will be used in descending order of priority.

feature-emacs-citation args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure org-cite, citar, and other packages related to bibliography and citation management for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-calendar args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the calendar and diary facilities in Emacs.

feature-emacs-graphviz args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure Graphviz, the open source graph visualization software.

feature-emacs-portable args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs.scm (rde features emacs)
feature-emacs-smtpmail args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/mail.scm (rde features mail)

Configure smtpmail, a simple mail protocol for sending mail from Emacs. If no MAIL-ACCOUNT-ID is provided, no account-specific settings will be configured.

feature-emacs-org-roam args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure org-roam for GNU Emacs. If org-roam-dailies need, enable `emacs-org-dailies' feature.

feature-emacs-org-mime args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/mail.scm (rde features mail)

Configure org-mime for wysiwyg html mime mail composition via Org Mode. You can change the exported HTML-ELEMENT-STYLES by providing an association list of ELEMENT . STYLE such as:

'(("pre" . "color: #E6E1Dc; background-color: #232323; padding: 0.5em;")
  ("blockquote" . "border-left: 2px solid gray; padding-left: 4px;"))

The above darkens exported code-blocks and adds a border and some padding to offset block quotes.

feature-emacs-dashboard args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure Emacs Dashboard, an extensible startup screen. Choose whether to be prompted by the dashboard on startup by setting SHOW-ON-STARTUP?. Set up the visible sections via ITEMS, where each entry is of the form (LIST-TYPE . LIST-SIZE). See dashboard-items to get an idea of the format. For the aforementioned to work, you also need to configure ITEM-GENERATORS, where each entry is of the form (LIST-TYPE . LIST-GENERATOR-FUNCTION). You can quickly navigate to each section with ITEM-SHORTCUTS and set a custom name for each one via ITEM-NAMES.

NAVIGATOR-BUTTONS are custom buttons that you can display below the BANNER, to include quick shortcuts to things like web bookmarks. BANNER can be either `official' for the official Emacs logo, `logo' for an alternative Emacs logo, #f to hide the banner, or a custom file path to an image whose dimensions you can constrain with BANNER-MAX-HEIGHT and BANNER-MAX-WIDTH.

Remind yourself of tasks by setting DASHBOARD-AGENDA-WEEKLY? to #t and customize the format of task entries with DASHBOARD-AGENDA-PREFIX-FORMAT (see org-agenda-prefix-format for information on the format strings).

You can truncate paths whose character length is greater than PATH-MAX-LENGTH.

feature-emacs-circadian args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the circadian.el Emacs package for theme-switching based on the time of the day.

feature-emacs-which-key args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure which-key. MIN-HEIGHT can be used to adjust the look of which-key popup, when there are not many items in it, can be easier to look through available options. IDLE-DELAY is the amount of seconds to wait for the which-key buffer to popup.

feature-emacs-org-recur args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure org-recur, a simple mode for recurring org-mode tasks.

feature-emacs-pdf-tools args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure pdf-tools, to work with pdfs inside Emacs.

feature-emacs-treebundel args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure treebundel for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-completion args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure completion system for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-appearance args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Make Emacs look more modern and minimalistic. It achieves this by removing most UI elements and allows you to add MARGIN, FRINGES, and various padding values for MODE-LINE-PADDING, HEADER-LINE-PADDING, and TAB-BAR-PADDING. Move the mode line to the top by setting HEADER-LINE-AS-MODE-LINE? to #t.

feature-emacs-power-menu ()
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure a simple power menu for emacs.

feature-emacs-re-builder args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure re-builder, an Emacs mode to build Regexps with visual feedback. RE-SYNTAX can be either 'read, 'string, or 'rx.

feature-emacs-browse-url args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure and extend the browse-url library to enhance the handling of URLs to browsers in Emacs. You can set URL mappings to rewrite URLs in Emacs buffers, open sites with cookies, make sure URLs use HTTPS, among other.

feature-emacs-ace-window args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure ace-window, an Emacs package to quickly switch between windows.

feature-emacs-org-agenda args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure org-agenda for GNU Emacs.

feature-emacs-smartparens args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure smartparens for structured code navigation, automatic string escape and pair management.

feature-emacs-perspective args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure perspective.el to group/isolate buffers per frames. Make emacsclient feels more like a separate emacs instance.

feature-emacs-org-dailies args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure org-dailies or org-roam-dailies for GNU Emacs, depending on ORG-ROAM-DAILIES? RDE value. When ENCRYPTED? is set to true, provide a default value for ORG-DAILIES-CAPTURE-TEMPLATES, which has .gpg at the end of filename, however its value can be overriden.

feature-emacs-modus-themes args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure modus-themes, a set of elegant and highly accessible themes for Emacs. DEUTERANOPIA? replaces red/green tones with yellow/blue, which helps people with color blindness. If DEUTERANOPIA-RED-BLUE-DIFFS? is set, red/blue colors will be used instead. If HEADINGS-SCALING? is set, different level headings will have different size.

feature-emacs-display-wttr args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure the display of weather in Emacs. If you don't provide WTTR-LOCATIONS you will get a weather report based on your IP address.

feature-emacs-org-protocol ()
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Setup and configure Org-Protocol for Emacs.

feature-emacs-input-methods args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure input-method for GNU Emacs. Allows to use other layouts with emacs, whithout losing ability to use keybindings. Supported both Emacsy toggle-input-method (C-\) and system layout switching by utilizing reverse-im package.

feature-emacs-all-the-icons args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure all-the-icons, a collection of fonts for Emacs.

feature-emacs-undo-fu-session args
Channel: rde
Location: contrib/features/emacs-xyz.scm (contrib features emacs-xyz)

Save & recover undo steps between Emacs sessions.

feature-emacs-exwm-run-on-tty args
Channel: rde
Location: contrib/features/wm.scm (contrib features wm)

Launch EXWM on a specified TTY upon user login and automatically switch to EXWM-TTY-NUMBER on boot.

feature-emacs-pulseaudio-control args
Channel: rde
Location: rde/features/emacs-xyz.scm (rde features emacs-xyz)

Configure pulseaudio-control for PulseAudio integration in Emacs.